Saturday, August 6, 2011

Chapter Seven

A Redhead's point of view

Yes that is it, I will call him J'aime Merde. That wasn't really his name, but it somehow seemed fitting. Roughly translated, "I love shit". The situation we were in was shit, he frankly looked liked drunken shit, and to be quite honest, I feel like shit. A perfect name for a perfect situation.

As I looked at him I couldn't help thinking of the many nights we had spent together, entangled in sweat soaked sheets, rising and lowering, as if swimming in a lusty tide. Although he remembers nothing of his former life, I know everything about him. I remember the way he tasted, the way he felt, skin to skin, the way his eyes glowed in the streetlamp that shone outside his bedroom, and the way he had told me he loved me; in a sweet whisper.

But that had all changed a month ago when Agar had put a spell on him. And now he lives in a barren, empty land where he remember neither of us or our love. It had taken me time to locate him after Agar had worked his dirty magic on him. I will attempt to fix his memory shortly, but now we have more pressing problems; we have a war that we need to avoid for now.

"Zsu'Zsuri, can you fly us out of here?" I asked my dragon friend. 
"You need never ask," he said as he readied himself for flight. 
"Come on J'aime Merde. We need to get out of here now!"

I could tell that he was scared, the way his lips trembled and how the sweat trickled down his brow. I wanted to kiss those sweet lips and comfort him, but now was not the time for that. 

"Please," I said kindly. 

He walked towards the dragon hesitantly, swinging his body onto the great beast. I levitated upward, landing gently on my friend's back as we took off into the night's air. 

"Chicha? Where are we going?" he whispered in my ear. 
 I could smell his soft, black hair as it brushed against my cheek and again I thought of us together in that flat in the village. Must focus!
 "Don't worry, you'll see soon enough," I murmured. 

We flew fast and furiously above the clamor of the battle waging on below us. As we emerged into the luxurious clouds, I could see our destination before us.  The lights of the cloud city winked and invited us into it's embrace of safety. This is where I would tell him everything and hopefully he would remember, that he too was a magician as well. For it is only with this knowledge that we would have any chance of survival....